Click on questions below to get answers to our most frequently asked questions.
Yes. Hundreds of attendees do just that and come back year after year.
There are no group rehearsals for any of the participants… choir, orchestra or soloists.
The key is the professional orchestra and soloists who are hired to join the unrehearsed choir. Many of the players in the orchestra have previously played with the Philadelphia Orchestra or other professional groups in the Philadelphia area. Most of these have consistently played for our events over the past 30+ years. Many are teachers as well as performers which is also the case with the soloists. Many in the choir do not know each other before they join to create the choir which varies at every event. Since there have been no rehearsals, those participating in the choir come with a freshness and anticipation that makes the sing-a-longs and “edge of your seat” event. Most of the choir members are familiar with the music, some more than others; some even have it memorized.
Tickets/Reservations are not required.
You may use your personal copy/edition of Messiah. However, we have complete Schirmer scores available for rent or purchase at each event if you do not have a copy.
Appropriate dress is Business Casual
Length with intermission is approximately 2.5 hours beginning at 7 PM.
Currently two. One in Chester County between Christmas and New Years and one in Lancaster County on the Friday after Easter
Those wishing to sing are organized as a choir by voice parts facing the audience. The soloists and orchestra are positioned in front of the choir.
No. At the Chester County Sing-a-long at Christmas time, we sing all of Part I plus excerpts from Parts II and III. At the Lancaster County Sing-a-long at Easter time, we sing all of Parts II and III. This enables participants to experience the complete Messiah by attending both venues.
The events are funded by private foundations, businesses, membership appeals, special fundraising concerts and freewill offerings at each event.
Yes, as provided for by law. Gifts should be made payable to the Chester County Christian Chorale. Chester County Christian Chorale is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization as determined by the Internal Revenue Service. Federal Tax I.D. # 23-2112468.
The Messiah Sing-a-longs are under the oversight of the Board of Chester County Christian Chorale.
Chester County Christian Chorale is a 501(c)(3) Organization.
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