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Chester County Christian Chorale

Messiah Singalong - Chester County, PA

Welcome to Messiah Singalong

Welcome to Messiah Singalong, performed by the Chester County Christian Chorale.

The Chester County Messiah Sing-a-long is held between Christmas and New Years and the Lancaster County Messiah Sing-a-long is always scheduled the Friday after Easter. The timing avoids the busyness of Christmas and Easter programs, allowing the hiring of quality players since other professional commitments are less during these times.

On this site, you can view our current Schedule of Events, learn Our History of how we started, meet The Artists who perform, Donate to our group, and so much more.

Listen & Practice the Choruses Before the Sing-a-longs

The PROGRAM TAB has links to all of the choruses so you can listen and practice with them FOR FREE!

Click on the name of the Chorus you want to hear and you will be linked to a YouTube version of that Chorus. Enjoy!


Learn and Practice Your Voice Part

Upcoming Events

Meet The Artists

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